333Merville Newtownabbey Photographic Club
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Mating Tree Swallows, West Thumb Geyser Basin
by Ian Lyons

by Raymond Hughes

Man With Hat Durbar Square Kathmandu
by Ian Lyons

Evening Light
by Alan Stewart

Twilight Titanic
by Colin Greenway


Rising Mist Yosemite Valley by Ian Lyons

Causeway Sunset
by Steve Lathe

Hoverfly On Shasta Daisy
by Jeremy Chambers

Mull Of Galloway lighthouse
by Jeremy Chambers


Elder Pokhara
by Ian Lyons

Aston Martin Mono
by Colin Greenway

Durdle Door
by Alan Stewart

Sea Defence
by Alan Stewart


by Alan Stewart


Shadows on the Beach by Alastair Jack

Yuka Plants Whitesands by Ian Lyons

Magic Drink
by Lukas Chudziak

Glencolumcille Village by Jeremy Chambers

by Lukas Chudziak

Skeleton Trees In Morning Light-Tangled Creek
by Ian Lyons

The Homestead
by Raymond Hughes

Rocks & Lighthouse at Sunset-Bandon Beach
by Ian Lyons

Skeleton Tree Cupid Spring
by Ian Lyons

The Quay Ramelton
by Raymond Hughes




The Stile
by Raymond Hughes

Dawn Glow
Alan Stewart

Winter Sun
Alan Stewart


The Meeting
by Steve Lathe

Down & Out, Seattle
by Ian Lyons

Nest Building
by Steve Lathe

Tree & Cross, Laguna Mission
by Ian Lyons

by Steve Lathe

EMP Museum
by Ian Lyons

Monochrome Architecture
by Colin Greenway

Embarcadero Centre
by Ian Lyons

Sun Canopy Supports
by Alastair Jack

Red Flower, Monte Carlo
by Philip McKenna

Seed Structure
by Raymond Hughes

Cell Block Armagh Jail
by Trevor Gibb

Big Wheel
by Trevor Gibb

Jay Pritzker Pavillion Chicago
by Ian Lyons

Titanic Belfast
by Alan Stewart

by Alan Stewart

Causeway Sunset
Alan Stewart

Lukas Chudziak

Poisioned Glen, Dunlewey
Alan Stewart

Rock Formation and tree Zion National Park
by Ian Lyons

Dragonfly in flight
by Brian McKenna

Are you looking at me?
by David Sinclair


Flying High
by Raymond Hughes


by Alan Stewart


Blue Berg Scotia Sea
by Ian Lyons


by Raymond Hughes


Wasp Sheltering
by Brian McKenna


by Ian Lyons


by Lukas Chudziak


by Steve Lathe

Black Rock Cottage Glencoe
by Alan Stewart


Forgotten in time
by Ian Lyons


Humming Bird in Flight
by Brian McKenna

Farm in Evening Light, The Palouse
by Ian Lyons

Web Light
Trevor Gibb

My little flower
Peter Henderson

by Colin Greenaway

by Colin Greenaway

The 3 Amigos
by Steve Lathe


Flight path
by Raymond Hughes


Danger! Low Flying Wasps
by Brian McKenna


Snow Goose Landing, Bosque de Apache
by Ian Lyons


Neck and Neck
by Steve Lathe

Golden Falls
by Mark Gillan


Elderly Devotee, Kathmandu
by Ian Lyons

by Brian McKenna

Rodeo Star, West Yellowstone
by Ian Lyons

Ready for the Big Night Out
by David Sinclair

Waiting Anxiously
by Maurice O'Flaherty

Night Stroll on La Concha
by Pauline O’Flaherty

by Brian McKenna

Here’s Looking at You
by Ian Lyons

Oil Rig-056
by Neal Stephens

by Maurice O'Flaherty

Lo!! Light through yonder window breaks!
by Brian McKenna

Access Denied
by Alastair Jack

Chair and Dresser Tom Miller House Bodie
by Ian Lyons

Fire & Rain
by Neal Stephens

Gentoos at Play, Gerlache Straight
by Ian Lyons

Desert Companions
by Trevor Gibb

Post Box, Cobh
by Brian McKenna

Elderly Man, Durbar Square, Bhaktapur
by Ian Lyons

My Ball
by David Sinclair

Can-Can welcome for Les Blues - Rugby World Cup 2003 Sydney
Philip McKenna

Funeral Pyre, Burning Ghats, Kathmandu
by Ian Lyons

Any tree will do
by Raymond Hughes

Removing the Protestor
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Dublin 09:00
by Raymond Hughes

Thai Water Festiva
by Philip McKenna

St. Patrick's Day, Times Square
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Preparing the Net, Rapti River, Nepal
by Ian Lyons

Wash Day Blues
by Karen Kula

Washday, Chitwan, Nepal
by Ian Lyons

Andre Rieu & the Big Stage
by Philip McKenna

Seven-spotted Ladybird
by Pauline O’Flaherty

by Maurice O’Flaherty

Puffin in flight with prey
by Brian McKenna

Nose to Nose Haka
by Philip McKenna

Big Yellow Digger
by Billy Ferguson

Six-spot Burnet
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Sunset Lake, Yellowstone National Park
Ian Lyons

by Raymond Hughes

River Distressed
by Billy Ferguson

by Billy Ferguson

Exterior of USAF Academy Chapel
Ian Lyons ARPS

Interior of USAF Academy Chapel, Colorado Springs
by Ian Lyons ARPS

Reflecting the Street Below
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Treeline, Grand Teton Park
by Ian Lyons

by Steve Lathe

Steps and Stairs
by Karen Kula

by Maurice O’Flaherty

Sun Shelters
by Alastair Jack

by Brian McKenna

Giant Propeller
by Karen Kula

Titanic Building
by Billy Ferguson

The Cave
by Billy Ferguson

Nursery Flags
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Cricket on a Stick
by Colin Greenaway

Franjo Trudman Bridge
by Steve Lathe

by Brian McKenna

Alan Wilcox

Bison and Morning Frost, Yellowstone
by Ian Lyons

by Brian McKenna

Crested Pool, Yellowstone
by Ian Lyons

Balintoy harbour
by Raymond Hughes

Underneath the Arches
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Kite Feeding
by Brian McKenna

by Brian McKenna

by Billy Ferguson

American Red Fox
by Ian Lyons

Last One Standing
by Raymond Hughes

Ancient way
by Billy Ferguson

by Trevor Gibb

by Brian McKenna

Roll 1
by Brian McKenna

Reflections of Childhood
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Barbary Ape
by Raymond Hughes

Jump for Joy
by Karen Kula

by Brian McKenna

by Billy Ferguson

Fast & Furious
by Steve Lathe

Great Grey Owl Chick
by Ian Lyons

Moonlit Harbour
by Steve Lathe

Tullymore Stepping Stones
by Billy Ferguson

Spanish dragon
Peter Henderson

At the Station
by Alastair Jack

Filling Up - John McDermott

Shadow of Time
by Alastair Jack

by Karen Kula

Another day, Another David Bailey
by Raymond Hughes

Chinese Dragon
By Trevor Gibb

Late Afternoon
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Robin on Fence
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Glass Engraver
by Karen Kula

Ethnic Dancer
by Colin Greenaway

The Starlight Bar
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Home Comfort
by Raymond Hughes

by Nick Smith

On The Look Out
by Steve Lathe

The Sublime and the Ridiculous
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Reflections of my mind
By Peter Henderson

Way to the Cage, Lyme Park
by Alastair Jack

Towards the Ha'penny Bridge
by Raymond Hughes

The Quiet Canal
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Through the Looking Glass
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Rising Flood Waters, Venice
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Setting Sun Venice
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Ornamental Grass
by Pauline O’Flaherty

by Karen Kula

Waiting for Customers
Alastair Jack

Chasing Pigeons
by Karen Kula

Reflection in Black
by Raymond Hughes

Watching You
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Beverley Minster

The Joiner
Raymond Hughes

The Red Arrows
By Peter Henderson

Lagan Look-out
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Hillside Reflection
by Steve Lathe

Puffin in Flight 2011
By Brian McKenna

Eye of the Tiger
by Trevor Gibb

Bay Bridge
Maurice O’Flaherty

by Maurice O’Flaherty

Chinese Lantern
by Peter Henderson

In Memoriam
Raymond Hughes

Going my Way
by Alastair Jack

12 Bottles
by Peter Henderson

Horseman Pass By
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Cobbled Curve
by Alastair Jack

Tern Feeding Chick
Brian McKenna

Life on the Edge
by Steve Lathe

The Gallery Naples 2011
by Raymond Hughes

Curving Shadows
by Alastair Jack

Summer Garden
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Catch me if you can
by Karen Kula

Glass & Steel
by Nick Smith

Every picture tells a story
by David Adrain

Picture of Contentment
by Karen Kula

Wing Clipper
by Steve Lathe

by Mark McGranaghan

Morning Catch
by Raymond Hughes

Hill Stock
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Special Brew
by Brian McKenna

by Maurice O’Flaherty

The Fireman
by Mark McGranaghan

Mending the nets
by David Adrain

Old Pals St Lucia
by Trevor Gibb

The Mechanic
by Mark McGranaghan

Flame Grilled
by Steve Lathe

The Builder
by Raymond Hughes

The Whistle Blower
by Trevor Gibb

By Brian McKenna CPAGB

Reflections in Vegas
by Maurice O’Flaherty

Street Life - The Entertainer
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Sunlit Chair
by Alastair Jack

Bremen Christmas Fair
by Steve Lathe

A study in blue and lime
by David Adrain

Cell Block - Armagh Jail
by Trevor Gibb LRPS

Filling Up - John McDermott

Carriage Restaurant
By Maurice O’Flaherty

A Winter's Walk
By David Adrain

Preened to perfection
by David Adrain

Damselfly flying
by Brian McKenna CPAGB

Clearing Mist
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

North Down Drumlins
by Alastair Jack

by Brian McKenna CPAGB

John McDermott

By David Farrow

Chinese Moving
By Brian McKenna CPAGB

Rugby Movement
by Brian McKenna CPAGB

Raging Torent
by Peter Henderson

Kicking up a Storm
By David Adrain

Charge Down
by Brian McKenna CPAGB

Juggler Street Entertainer
Maurice O’Flaherty

Puffin in Flight with Sand Eels
By Brian McKenna

Turbulence on the Bush
By David Adrain

Atlantic Fury
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Sloughan Glen
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Female Common Blue tail Landing
by Brian McKenna CPAGB

Waterlogged Pitch
by Pauline O’Flaherty

Blue Detonation – John McDermott

by Colin Greenaway

Running on Air
by Alastair Jack

by Mark McGranaghan

Street Life - Life on the Street
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

C'est la Vie
by Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Street Life - Church Collection
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Coral Plateau
by Mark McGranaghan

Flower Close-Up
by David Adrain

Tail slide
by Colin Greenaway

Nice legs
by Peter Henderson

Pride of Bilbao
by Alastair Jack

by Mark McGranaghan

In the Eyes of the Beholder
by Trevor Gibb LRPS

The Future's Orange
by Peter Henderson

Storm Light – Atlas Mountains
by Trevor Gibb LRPS

Reflections Of Old
by Steve Lathe

Golden Tulips
by Margaret Cooke

Ghost Town
by Michael O’Flaherty

Murlough Bay
by Pauline O’Flaherty

by Trevor Gibb

Big Wheel keeps on Turning
by Margaret Cooke

Puffin in Flight
By Brian McKenna

The Beggar
by Raymond Hughes

by David Adrain

Flying Home to Roost
by Peter Henderson

The Snowy Road Home
by David Adrain

Over the Ha'penny Bridge
by Raymond Hughes

by Peter Henderson

Large Red in sticky position
by Brian McKenna

Feeding Time
by David Lewis

Oil Platform at Sunset
by Trevor Gibb

by David Adrain

A Winter Millpond
by David Adrain

by Brian McKenna

Bonny Lad
John McDermott

On Top of the World
Trevor Gibb

Almost Off
by Alan Wilcox

Native with Traditional Headress)
Raymond Hughes

by Peter Henderson

Orange Tip
by Alan Wilcox

Winter Monochrome
Raymond Hughes

Alan Wilcox

Camel Drover
Trevor Gibb

Mark McGranaghan

Smoking Gun
by John McDermott

Damsel (2)
by Alan Wilcox

Raymond Hughes

Desert Warrior
Trevor Gibb

One Day You'll be Old
by Raymond Hughes

Water Avons
by David Adrain

Kevin Rice

Mark McGranaghan

Alan Wilcox

Clearing Mist
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

High and Dry
Peter Henderson

Chess - Mark McGranaghan

The Eyes
Mark McGranaghan

Orange Tip
Alan Wilcox

Mark McGranaghan

The Eyes
Mark McGranaghan

The Canvas
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Street Life
Rushing – Mark McGranaghan

Lagan Weir at Night
Peter Henderson

Window Watching
by John McDermott

Artist At Monmartre
Alastair Jack

Mark McGranaghan

Cleared Decks
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Glenoe Cycle
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

The Crane
Mark McGranaghan

Mark McGranaghan

Street Life
Threading the Bollards – Alastair Jack

Wet Day -
by Brian McKenna CPAGB

Stairway to Heaven
Colin Greenaway

Street Life
Bike – Brian McKenna CPAGB

Open – Gulls Fighting
Brian McKenna CPAGB

Street Life - Now It’s Like This
Raymond Hughes DPAGB AIPF

Street Life
Smoker – Mark McGranaghan

Drops – Brian McKenna CPAGB


The Red Arrows
Peter Henderson

Scarce Bluetail Female
– Brian McKenna CPAGB

What a Wheel! – Alastair Jack

On the Waterfront – John McDermott













Individual Section

Jack Montgomerie

Glencoe  Hillside


Old Gaol Nottingham

San Diego Bay

UCSF Library





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