MNPC League Draft Competition Rules


1.         There are six competitions, 3 for advanced members and 3 for beginners. There are currently insufficient beginners to sustain separate beginners’ competitions. Beginners and advanced members images are therefore currently judged together.


1)     Advanced Monochrome Prints

2)     Beginners Monochrome Prints – Currently Beginners Prints are entered in the Advanced Section.

3)     Advanced Colour Prints

4)     Beginners Colour Prints - Currently Beginners Prints are entered in the Advanced Section.

5)     Advanced Projected Digital Images (PDIs)

6)     Beginners Projected Digital Images (PDIs) - Currently Beginners PDIs are entered in the Advanced Section.


2.         There are 5 rounds in all 6 competitions. The subject in each round is as specified in the MNPC programme.

3.         A member may submit up to 4 entries in each category in each round of the competition.


4          An entrant’s score in a round of a competition is the sum of the marks awarded to his/her best 2 individual entries in the round.


5.         The winner of each competition will be the entrant with the highest cumulative score from 5 rounds.


6.         Prints may be any size up to 40cm x 30cm and if mounted must be on mounts not exceeding 40cm x 30cm.  

7.         Each print must show on the back of the mount:-


a.     entrant’s reference number (or name if no reference number has been allocated)

b.    title of print

c.     whether advanced or beginner (Not currently required)

d.    subject, number and year of round


8.         Projected Digital Images should be submitted using the MNPC League Competition Uploader, the address of which will be provided at the start of the season. If use of the uploader is not possible images may be submitted by email to the organiser.

            All PDIs must conform to the following:


a.     Be in jpeg format and sRGB colour space

b.    Be sized to a maximum of 1600 pixels wide and a maximum of 1200 pixels high.

c.     Each image must be titled. The title should not include the name of the entrant.


9.         Any print or PDI may be entered once only in any season of the MNPC league.


Any print or PDI which has been awarded first place in a round of the MNPC league or which following entry in the league has received a star in a NIPA competition is debarred form further entry in the league.


Any print or PDI which has received a star in a NIPA competition before being entered in the MNPC league may be entered once only in the league thereafter.


Any print or PDI which has neither been awarded first place in a round of the MNPC league nor been awarded a NIPA star may be entered in two further seasons and is debarred thereafter from further entry.


A print or PDI debarred from further entry may however be re-submitted as a re-interpretation of the original photograph.


10.        Entries must be submitted by the date specified in the MNPC league for each round.


11.        It is assumed that all entries are available for selection in the NIPA Inter-Club competition unless an entrant makes his wishes to the contrary known in advance.


12.        The organisers will endeavour to return all entries (except those selected for entry in the NIPA Inter-Clubc ompetition) on or before the club meeting following the competition date.


13.        The current marking arrangements agreed by the committee must be displayed in the clubroom and on the website for the duration of the competition season.


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